Rice Park Video
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Rice Park Video
The following are various previews and trailers for Rice Park. You will need Apple QuickTime 7 to view this material.
Video ClipsNotes
Rough cut (version 01): This is the first rough cut for Rice Park. Working from the assembly edit we put together this rough cut. The film still needs to be tighter, but it's good to see the images against some music.
Trailer (version 00): This is the first trailer for Rice Park. This sequence was basically a test of the Final Cut Pro edit system and the ability to create a QuickTime Movie.
Production Documentary: The following is a sample of production documentary footage from the Saint Paul Hotel. The footage is unedited.
MusicThe music used in the Rough Cut is from Garbage, Marianne Faithful and Barbara Cohen. The music in the Trailer was this piece is 'Tart' from Elvis Costello.
RestrictionsThe media posted on this site is for unreleased work. The trailers and rough cut use unlicensed music. The trailers and previews also contain sexual content and may not be suitable for younger viewers.
CommentsWe are very interested in your comments. Please send your comments to Chris Macgowan.
Rice Park
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